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Church Groups

Young People Activities

We extend a warm welcome to all children and their families to our services. Whether you are just visiting or come to Church regularly we have a small team of people willing to take time to share with the children who come along.

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Strathendrick Teens

Young people meeting together and being supported by the Strathendrick Grouping of Churches to grow their relationship with Jesus, each other and their Church family. To help the young people grow in their faith.

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Prayer Group

How marvellous that we have a God who listens, that we have a God who wants us to talk to him. What a blessing that we can pray to our God. When we pray for others God listens. We never know how he will answer our prayers but we know that he will involve us in his plan for others.

If you would like to join us on a Wednesday morning from 10am - 11am you would be most welcome. You can stay for a short while or stay for the whole hour. Whatever suits you. We meet in the Session House.

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Kirk Kids

Kirk Kids meet in the Church at 10.30am with the rest of the congregation. After the second hymn the children generally move into the halls for other activities which which can involve games, singing, craft and bible reading/bible video.

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Killearn Kirk Guild

Killearn Kirk Guild extend a warm welcome to everyone who wishes to attend our fortnightly Tuesday afternoon meetings. We meet at 1.15pm in the Church Hall between October and March.

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Book Group

On alternate Mondays, a group  meet for discussion and questions around an agreed book to learn more about the Christian faith. We are currently reading a book by Andrew Ollerton "The Bible"   -  A Story That Makes Sense of Life.

A stimulating and accessible survey of history's most influential book that allows readers to see how the narratives and themes of The Bible connect to their own lives.

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