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Donations to Killearn Kirk

You can now donate online to Killearn Kirk. Please click below to make a contribution.


The Church of Scotland website also has a facility for donating to local churches.  When asked for the congregation’s name, please enter "Killearn".

The work of Killearn Kirk within the parish and in the wider world is only made possible by the generous donations of its members and other donors. Your giving sustains our ministry and mission, and the wider work of the Church of Scotland.

Our parish ministry can be measured by the provision of pastoral care and spiritual support to people who need reassurance, hope and comfort. We share in the happy events in the celebration of baptism, the joy of a wedding, and also the sadder events of a funeral.  You are also helping to sustain our church buildings – the Grade B listed church, the Kirk halls and grounds

The wider church allows the Church of Scotland to participate in the Mission of God in the UK and World. This is done by

  • CrossReach is a leading and well-respected provider of social care for over 10,000 people in Scotland of all ages who find themselves facing challenging circumstances at any point in their life. Multiple issues affect hundreds of thousands of people day in, day out. Depression and anxiety, loneliness, discrimination and poverty, to name just a few. CrossReach has been responding to these ever-changing needs for over 150 years, constantly innovating and pioneering life-changing work.
  • Working closely with partner churches around the world  the Church of Scotland aims to participate in the Mission of God in the World. We do this by:
  • Sending skilled, experienced Mission Partners to join our partner churches when requested
  • Twinning congregations or presbyteries from the Church of Scotland with a congregation or presbytery from the world churc

Here are some ways you can give to the church:

Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme allows us to recover some of the tax you have already paid. For £1 eligible donation given by Gift Aid it is possible for Killearn Kirk to recover a top-up of 25p from HMRC. This is an essential part of our total income. The Gift Aid convenor will acknowledge your payment. The tax recovery from HMRC itself is all done for you.

Contact the Gift Aid convenor for more information and a Gift Aid form.

Standing Order

For regular giving, please consider using a Standing Order. This saves us having to handle offering money at the church on a Sunday, and guarantees a regular income to the church, helping out Treasurer to plan more accurately. This way, you set up a regular amount which your bank will automatically transfer. You can alter or stop the Standing Order whenever you wish. The treasurer will provide a form which you can fill in and give to your bank- just get in touch with us to learn more.

Leaving a legacy in your will

The work of the Church has been assisted greatly by many generous gifts in the wills of members, adherents and supporters. If you wish to make a gift in your will to support the work of the Church, it can support your local congregation or the work of a particular council or the work of the Church of Scotland in general. A gift to the Church in your Will is exempt from Inheritance Tax. Our treasurer is happy to advise on this, and other matters concerning giving to the Church. The Church of Scotland website can provide more information on legacy.

Please contact the Treasurer if you would like to have more information on any of the above..