10th, February, 2025
Good evening, welcome...

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and your interest in Killearn Kirk. Here are just a few things we would like you to know:
- We are a Christian Community based in and serving Killearn and the wider parish, and part of the Church of Scotland.
- We welcome everyone, irrespective of background or denominational roots.
- We are a diverse gathering of people committed to growing and exploring their faith, supporting and encouraging one another on that journey.
- We enjoy a broad mixture of music from traditional to newer material.
- We encourage everyone to join in by getting involved in the ministry of the Kirk as they are called and able.
- We enjoy meeting together.
- We would love to see you join us sometime at any of our meetings or activities.
- Sunday worship is at 10.00am to 11.00am followed by a time of fellowship where tea/coffee is served.
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